Integrated disease management of wheat and barley

Integrated disease management of wheat and barley

Tan spot is an economically important disease of wheat worldwide and is found throughout the major wheat-growing areas of the world. This foliar fungal disease is a challenge to wheat production as it reduces green leaf area, restricting photosynthesis and subsequently the ability to fill grain and set yield. Initially, leaf lesions appear as small tan-coloured brown flecks, which expand into oval or diamond-shaped spots, often with a yellow chlorotic margin (Fig. 1a). As the disease progresses, these spots increase in size, forming large blotches and irregular areas of dead tissue. A small dark brown eyespot near the centre of the lesion is common (Fig. 1b). The disease is particularly severe on older leaves, and entire leaves, spikes and whole plants may also be affected.



01 Setembro 2022


Trigo, Ano 2019


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